What’s an FKT?

FKT.  Most folks haven’t a clue what that abbreviation stands for.  But beyond just plain finishing the Pan Am, the FKT for reaching Ushuaia is ingrained in Bond’s mind as he pushes through weather and darkness and fatigue and even an occasional roadside outhouses along the way (see Bond’s Day 7 blog if needed).

FKT stands for fastest known time. It’s the fastest completion of a set route where the individual chooses the date and time of start.  In endurance sports there are both supported and unsupported FKTs.  In supported FKTs you can have any means of assistance for things like nutrition, housing, repairs of equipment, clothing, etc.  In an unsupported FKT you are not allowed any organized support.  You carry all your gear, find your own food, do your own bike repairs, etc.

For long duration FKTs like the PanAm you of course are allowed to stop and resupply food and water.  But you cannot have any planned help or even moral support like a friend or family member showing up and cheering him on.  This means Bond’s gear adds significant weight and drag to his bike.  For the same effort, Bond averages about 3+ mph slower than someone riding an unweighted bike, especially in the mountainous portions of his route. Bond is allowed to stop at a bicycle shop for a new chain and tires and repairs which he will do every few thousand miles.  He can replace bike parts, but he must finish on the bicycle frame he started with - so he’s extra vigilant about theft that would end his attempt instantly.

Bond is attempting to break the supported FKT time of 84 days and 11 hours, but do it unsupported.  The current record holder for the supported FKT is Austrian Michael Strasser. For Strasser’s Pan-Am FKT, he had 2 vans and a crew of 4 driving alongside him the entire route taking care of his food and gear and providing warm places to stay every night .  Bond has no such assistance.  He’s entirely self reliant for finding food and water and things like riding in wet clothes and taking care of his bike.  While Bond will occasionally stay in a cheap hostel, he is primarily sleeping in the elements anywhere he can find a safe looking spot on the side of the road once the sun sets.  However, his choice of a hostel will become more common strictly for safety reasons in Central and South America.

For some perspective on what Bond is taking on, there is a documentary of Strasser’s PanAm titled “Ice 2 Ice” available online for free via the Red Bull TV App if interested.  Think of the kid doing what you see in that video but alone and carrying all his gear.  There’s also a video titled “Panamerica solo” of the past unsupported FKT holder Jonas Deichmann available on YouTube. The current unsupported record holder is Leandro Carlos da Silva in 95 days.


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