Day 67 Update: Córdoba to Huinca Renancó
257 miles
I left Córdoba with a headwind, but around 11:00am the wind flipped to a side wind that soon was a cross tailwind. Finally, a real break from the wind. For the first day of this entire trip I can say that the wind helped me more than it hurt me. That’s awesome. The mileage is reflective of that of course. It is frustrating to know that every day would be an easy 200+ without headwinds, but so it goes. The landscape was very boring today. Fields as far as the eye can see. Small rolling hills in the morning, but pan flat in the afternoon. At least it is green! Starting to do better mentally. I was so deep in the hole that it will take a week of solid progress from Day 64 on to really recover fully, but I am confident I will get there. Hopefully I start feeling spunky again just in time for my finish push in Ushuaia. Once again didn’t take many photos. I’ve been riding with my head down, trying to concentrate 110% on being locked in and focused on my riding which is the only way I’ve been able to stave of the mental torment of loneliness, despair, and frustration that have plagued me the past 2+ weeks.