Day 66 Update: Ojo de Agua to Còrdoba
146 miles
Some days are bad and there is nothing I can do about it. Today was one of those days. Sustained headwinds of 25-30mph. Still, my mental condition is improving. I’ve been finding lots of good food. All the gas stations here have cafes and restaurants attached with decent food. The roads are dangerous because there is never a shoulder, but the drivers are very courteous. Argentinians have been incredibly kind to me. I’m in a boring part of the country, flat farmland, but I really am enjoying my interactions with people. I rolled into Cordoba and received a cash transfer through Western Union, so I have cash again which is essential as I move south. Cordoba was a pretty city. I didn’t see much of it though. I had to go to 8 different hotels before I found a vacancy.